Dr. Eggman's flying armada located high in the skies, almost in space. Eggman's endless army of robots patrol it, and ships are known to sometimes be destroyed...
Egg Pawn (15 HP, 0 Def, 2 Speed, Metal)
Egg Bomber (20 HP, 0 Def, 5 Speed, Air)
*Rare* Egg Hammer (150 HP, 2 Def, 0 Speed, Metal)
Ship Destruction- Okay, this is sort of complicated, so pay attention. Fighrers always start out battling each other on a ship, which looks like this:
Pretty big, no? Now then, after 15 turns, a voice will shout out "SHIP CORE COMPRIMISED. PROCEED TO NEXT SHIP". Then this will happen...
As you can see, a smaller ship has popped out. Now then, fighters have three turns to get onto the "escape ship" before the larger one explodes. Anyone still on the larger ship...gets an instant KO. After the ship explodes, the escape ship will magically appear back on a larger ship. Got it? Good.