Here are the rules that you must follow.
Rule 1: No Flaming.
You can't argue, call each others bad names, and shout like you're berserk. Breaking that will get you a warn. Repeat this, you'll get banned for 1 day.
Rule 2: No Spamming
You can't post too many times or bump into old topics. Breaking this will get you a warn. But you repeat it too many times, you get banned.
Rule 3: Offensive Languages
Please, you have to watch your mouth before you attempt to say something. If you say something REALLY offensive, you warned or banned.
ALSO, SENSORS LIKE A ! INTEAD OF A i OR SAYING SOMETHING LIKE, "*Koopa Roars*" are still considered cursing, and will not be tolerated.
Rule 4: No Inappropriate Content
Never EVER post any mature content. If you did it, you'll get banned.
Rule 5: No Advertising
You cannot advertise to forums other than Colossal Crossover RPG. Advertising through PMs is also not permitted. Telling someone to use a search engine with a specific word/phrase in order to reach your site is also prohibited. Breaking this will result a warn. Repeating this breakage will get banned.
Rule 6: Do Not Ask Staff for Promotions and/or Warn Decrease
You must be experienced to be a mod. But people who break this rule will get warned or banned. The only way to get yor warn removed is to obey the rules.
Rule 7: Dupe Accounts
Look, you can't create another account if your last account was banned. If you do this, then I will have no choice but to IP Ban you.
Now that you read all the rules, you must obey the rules. We don't want you to get into a lot of trouble. Thank you and enjoy Colossal Crossover RPG.